
English Grammar - Noun

What is Noun? A Noun is a word that represents a person, thing, concept, or place. Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun. Examples:  • Person : man, woman, teacher, John, Mary. • Place : home, office, town, countryside, America. • Thing : table, car, banana, money, music, love, dog, monkey.

How to Improve English speaking and listening skills?

Learning English is easy as long as you know your way around the right words you can easily start with your English conversation. If you can read it then obviously you can easily speak and write it. You might have some issues with listing and speaking at first but you will get accustomed to it slowly.  To improve your Listing skills you must listen to the Native speakers , how to do it? Simple, just go ahead and watch some Movies (it doesn't nessasarily have to be movies it can be dramas, commedy shows, songs or any thing you are interested in but just make sure that the speaker is a native although these days many of other country people can speak English fluently but the accent might change depending on the speaker so a native speaker is recommended)  or listening to podcasts can also work, just get used to the accent and you will slowly find your way around it. If you think it's too difficult or if you aren't able to understand their words here's a tip for you- try...

What am I?! (Poem dedicated to the Green Day)

Poem  What am I ? I was too small, Too tiny too prone, Too overwhelmed by darkness  So I seeked for light, And then it shone on my tiny little vein, The warmth made me forget all the pain, My body was too small too sleek, Having two tiny greens, As the sunlight shone they are now grown, I was still too tiny to be seen by them all, But even so I had few friends who could still see my tiny body back then, As time went by I grew up high, tall and wide, As I shed my leaves my trunk got firmer with a new pairs of Greens, it got warmer.  With each passing day my growth took place, Even those who didn't knew me started noticing,  As I stood there without a single complaint,  I grew and grew even with all the crowd  I grew and grew and now I am proud, I grew up higher, taller and wider with a sturdy body and beautiful crown. I made new friends, Now, I feel happy and content, So many things has changed since then, As the crowd grew around me, I give them the shade, ...

Basic Grammar

Word: a word is a group of letters which have some sense.             Sentence: a group of words make a sentense which have meanings. eg.Rama goes to school. A sentence has two parts( 1)subject(2) predicate

History of English

English:It is a west germanic language  that originated from Anglo-frisian dialects brought. to Britain in mid 5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-sexson migrants from what is now called as northwest Germaany,southhernDenmark nd the Netherlands.TheAanglo sexon settled in British Isles from. the mid 5thcentury came to dominate at the large area of great Britain.aand nowww it's called Old English, originated as anglofrissian dialects displacing the Celtic language.AfterNorman conquest in 1066 old eenglish.  was replaced for a time by anglo norman  devooloping into a phase called middle English conquering Norman's spoke Norman which developed into anglo -norman, English as we know today came to be exported by Britishcolonisation., nowadays it becomes a common language for communication.


Candles: A candle is an ignitable wick embedded in wax,they provide light and in some cases fragrance, candle also provide heat. A Person who makes candles is traditionally called as chandler, various devices have been invented to hold candles, candlestick s also known as candle holders. •A naked flame from matchstick or lighter is used to light candle's wick which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel(wax).  •once it is vaporizes means the fuel combines with oxygen in atmosphere to ignite  and form a constant flame. •This flame provides sufficient heat to keep the candle burning via self sustaining chain of events. The heat of the flame melts the top of the mass of solid fuel, the liquefied fuel then moves upward through the wick via capillary action. •The liquefied fuel finally vaporizes to burn with in the. candle's flames the fuel melts and burned  the candle becomes shorter. buy candles