How to Improve English speaking and listening skills?
Learning English is easy as long as you know your way around the right words you can easily start with your English conversation. If you can read it then obviously you can easily speak and write it. You might have some issues with listing and speaking at first but you will get accustomed to it slowly.
To improve your Listing skills you must listen to the Native speakers, how to do it? Simple, just go ahead and watch some Movies (it doesn't nessasarily have to be movies it can be dramas, commedy shows, songs or any thing you are interested in but just make sure that the speaker is a native although these days many of other country people can speak English fluently but the accent might change depending on the speaker so a native speaker is recommended) or listening to podcasts can also work, just get used to the accent and you will slowly find your way around it. If you think it's too difficult or if you aren't able to understand their words here's a tip for you- try turning Captions 'On' when you watch movies. Just observe what you hear and what you read on screen is similar or not?. if it's 'not' then continue watching the movies with Captions turned 'On' and try to get accustomed to their speach. Well that covered the listing part then let's talk about the Speaking part.
To Improve your Spoken English skills the one thing that you must do at any cost is "practice!" I am sure you have heard the phrase "Practice makes a man perfect" it's a very famous quote which is indeed absolutely agreeable, no matter in what field you are in, regardless of your occupation or status, this quote stands true for all. Whether you are a student or a worker, one needs practical-practice to achieve success in whatever they might do. Similarly in order to improve your English speaking skills you need to practice. Practical skills are very important as no matter how much theoretical knowledge you have, you can never achieve any kind of success unless and until you put them to practice, so be brave, take the initiative to start your English conversation so that when the time comes you shouldn't blankly stare at the other person but rather have a proper conversation with them. Here are some tips on how to improve your speaking English skills.
1) Listen and Repeat-
Listening to the audio and repeating the sentence and phrases will not only improve your speaking skills but also help with improving your listening skills. You will know the accent and also know how to pronounce that perticular word, by taking a step further and finding the meaning of that perticular word will also help increase your vocabulary by leaps and bounds, search for synonyms and antonyms will definitely help with improving your vocabulary.
2) Practice and Revise-
Now that you know how to pronounce and improve your vocabulary your responsibility has increased as you have to remember theses words and put them to practice! Go ahead and grab your friend if not living an non-living plushy will do, turn your voice recorder in your mobile on and start having conversation. Your friend might or might not participate but you have to keep going as long as you can, Start with a casual greetings then just summaries how your day was, and if you have any sort of frustrations go ahead and let them loose, (oh! but keep in mind that 'even walls have ears' so be carefull of your surroundings while complaining) and don't forget to do it in English because after all you are doing it to improve your conversation skills. Try and use a new word/phrase in every conversation if possible.
3) Being Consistent-
Wow! You are doing great so far but that's not going to work if you can't be consistent then your practice willl all go down the drain!! So maintain a proper schedule that way you won't forget your tasks and can keep consistency in your every day schedule.
Good Luck and Good work sticking around till now, I will provide some more tips that might help you out, so stick around and subscribe to my blog for more such tips. Goodbye~
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